Proceedings Archive

Proceedings Archive

Proceeding Chapters

Architecture as Transformation

Imagine Universal, Design Local

Washington, DC: Dysfunctional Spaces of Democracy?

Casual Community

House Divided: Threats to Design/Build From Within

Design, Resource & Produce Local…Disseminate, Reveal & Provoke International

Architecture is Dead: A Renewed Organic Aesthetic for Ecological Design

Global and Local esign Identities: East Meets West

The Role of the Mexican-American Community in the Production of Urban Space in Houston, Texas

The Industrial Era Re-Considered: Reclaiming Rail Yards

Ever After: Public Space Reconsidered in Iceland

Diversity & Multiculteralism in the Architectural Academy: An Assessment of Barriers and Opportunities

The Latest Frontier of Urban Pastoral: Post-Industrial Landscapes in American Cities

Global vs Local: Exploring Architecture as a Local Brand for Covent Garden

Blind Creativity: A Subliminal Bias Towards Architecture and Urbanism in the Mechanical and Automated Periods of Design

Glocalization - The Globalization of the Local Community

Landscape with Human Figure

Urban Machines: Constuctor/ Deconstructor

Teaching 'The City' in Cities: Teasing the Global from the Specific in Chicago

Slow Architecture? - The Myth if Local Resistance to Globalization in Architecture: A Critique

Coastal Identity and Resiliency: The Case of the Upper Texas Gulf Coast

Using Evidence - Based Design to Support Cultural Differences

Made For China: Transcoding Local Patterns into Ecologically High-Performing Urban Prototypes

The Shift of Le Corbusier

Dissecting the Programmed Landscape: A Programming Primer

Local Heritages of Cosmopolitan Significance : How the Study if World Heritage Situates the 'Ownership' of Architecture

Women's Places and Spaces in Contemporary American Mosque

Tradition vs. Modernity: The Challenge of Identity in Contemporary Islamic Architecture

Subverting Gender in the Design-Build Studio

Changing Landscapes-Changing Identities: Studying and Teaching the Cultural Evolutions of the Deltaic and Chenier Plains

Recent Interventions in (and about) San Juan, Puerto Rico

Revitalizing the American Downtown

A 'Primitive' Milieu: Assessing Diversity Within College Architectural Programs

The Culture of a Machine-Crafted Architecture: The First Tournalaid Communities

Architecture, Infrastructure, and Technological Leapfrogging

Re-Reading Critical Regionalism

Gehry Versus Zumthor: Machine Recognition of Architecture Styles

A Study of Energy Consumption in Informal Settlement Due to Growth and Transformation in Texas Colonias

Roaming the Boundaries: The Less Explored Roles of Architects in the Low-Income Settlements of Texas

Uncovering the Shape of Content: Comparison of Three Libraries

Architecture is Entrepreneurship and (Why) it Matters

Increasing Uncertainty in Vine City, Atlanta

From Archaic Globalism to Open Regionalism: Toward an Architecture of Cultural Place in Iran

Archetypal Principles - Memorable Places: A Study of the Presence of Higher-Order Characteristics at Bonfire Memorial

Mapping and Touring Through Photography: On Julius Shulman's Photographic Space of Maslon House

Holism in Foundation Design: Avoiding the "Silo Effect"

Reconstructing Afghanistan: An Architecture Curriculum for a "New Way of Life"

Urban Afterimage: Looking at Houston After Seeing Ho Chi Minh City

28 Dollars and 12 1/2 Cents

Global Fluidities, Local Presences: An Architectural Perspective on the Global- Local Problem in the Wors of Michel Serres

Engineer or Architect: A Crisis of Identity

Mapping + Change: The Awkwardness of Evolution

Flexible Identities: The Notion of Nation

Professional Treasures

Opportunities & Challenges: Learning Experience from International Architectural Students in the United States

Representing Local Identitites in Resort Hotels - A Case Study in Antalya

From Self-Built Periphery to Metropoltian Business District: Spatial Transformations, Emerging Urban Identitites and the Concept of Citizenship in the Cono Norte, Lime, Peru

Cultivate Cultures: The Study of Friction and Wear on Mating Surfaces

Energy [R]evolution

The Second City

The Function of the Roof

Re-Imaging the Local: Shimokitazawa

Thick Infrastructure

Nola Mach-Ya: A Multi-Use Duplex Prototype for New Orleans

Designing for Constant Change

(Redux) I(N)Land/I(S)Land

Memorials and the Identity of the Sublime: Global Catastrophe in Local Context

Courtyard Transformations: Hokyun Chun Residence- Heyri Art Valley, Paju Korea

Resettlement Pattern in Southern Newfoundland, 1954-1975

Performarice Heritage: Creating An Alliance Bewteen Architectural Preservation and Cultural Advancement