New Instrumentalities

Urban Instrumentality: Pedagogy in an Era of Ecological Design Challenges

International Proceedings

Author(s): Jose L.S. Gamez

In 2014, NASA projected higher than previously predicted irreversible climate changes that will result in sea levels rising 1 to 2 meters worldwide by 2100. Along the way, according to the Lon-don School of Economics’ Urban Age Project, the global population will become 75% urbanized by 2050; much of this urbanization is occurring in developing countries, which will account for approximately 4 out of every 5 city dwellers—often in coastal locations. This combination of rapid urbanization and environmental change requires a reinterpretation of development, architecture, and ecology in which an integration of urban components is essential if the management of the environment and resources is to result in resilient and livable cities. With this in mind, this paper reflects upon two three-year collaborations between our Master of Urban Design program and universities in parts of the world that are undergoing the brunt of this global urbanization: China and Brazil. Through a discussion of a series of summer workshops, fundamental challenges to the integration of ecological strategies into design pedagogies are illustrated through the experiences of students.

Volume Editors
Ángela García de Paredes, Iñaqui Carnicero & Julio Salcedo-Fernandez
