103rd ACSA Annual Meeting Proceedings, The Expanding Periphery and the Migrating Center

Unexpected Definitions: Practicing With a City

Annual Meeting Proceedings

Author(s): Brandon Weiner & Cathlyn Newell

Strategically operating among the questionable and fluctuating legal and material definitions abundant in Detroit, the creative practice and pedagogy stemming from the work of Alibi Studio, with collaborators Creative Rights and Broken City Lab combines inquiries of law and design through built material works. Sparked by a research collaboration of designers and lawyers this impactful approach acknowledges that there is no better way to productively research, reveal, and agitate the distressed state of a city than engage it directly through making. In doing so the weight of cultural realities, direct material manipulations, legal interpretations, and the actualities of spatial production collapses architectural interpretation with the city itself as a bold relationship centered around unexpected definitions.

Volume Editors
David Ruy & Lola Sheppard
