Play with the Rules

Twisted Mind – A New Concrete Playbook

Fall Conference Proceedings

Author(s): Julie Larsen & Roger Hubeli

A Twisted Mind is the playful pursuit of popping up and twisting a concrete form work that radically challenges the rules of how to build with concrete; a new ‘playbook’ on how thin shell concrete geometries can be made. This method of making begins with formwork, not the form. Traditional rules of how one designs and constructs a concrete shell no longer applies. Complex concrete forms, like shells or folded roof plates can be produced with comparatively simple twistable, bendable, creasable, foldable elements; a new play on formwork for building elements. The paper discusses how recent advancements in concrete technology, in combinati on with digital design tools, holds the potential for a new concrete ‘playbook’ that twists and folds concrete; resulting in infinite ‘pop-up’ techniques for fabrication and assembly of concrete shell structures.

Volume Editors
Jasmine Benyamin, Kyle Reynolds, Mo Zell, Nikole Bouchard & Whitney Moon
