106th ACSA Annual Meeting Proceedings, The Ethical Imperative

THINNESS: The Counterfactual World of Concrete

Annual Meeting Proceedings

Author(s): Julie Larsen & Roger Hubeli

The project was developed in collaboration between Syracuse University Assistant Professors Roger Hubeli and Julie Larsen, and CEMEX GLOBAL R&D. At the Fundamentals exhibition of the 2014 Venice Biennale, Rem Koolhaas referred to the ceiling and stated that it was “a domain over which architects have lost all control, a zone sur-rendered to other professions”. And that “our influence has been reduced to a territory that is just 2cm thick.” In response to this provocation, THINNESS pavilion offers new insights into the future architectural potentials of concrete technology as a lightweight material.

Volume Editors
Amir Ameri & Rebecca O'Neal Dagg
