Play with the Rules

The Practice of Domesticity vs. The Ideal of Domesticity in Accra, Ghana

Fall Conference Proceedings

Author(s): Dahlia Nduom

This paper builds on previous research surrounding the relationship between culture and housing and focuses on how this relati onship shapes the practice of domesti city in Accra. Accra (the capital of Ghana), has faced the challenges of rapid urbanization including congesti on in the city center, inadequate infrastructure, sprawl and of course lack of housing. Accra is the largest urban area in terms of population, with an estimated populati on of approximately 2 million people and a projected populati on of 4 million people by 2020.1 The populati on has steadily increased over the years as people from the rural areas flock to the urban areas in search of jobs and better opportunities. In addition to the influx of people, land tenure issues, cost of living and access to fi nancing have resulted in a severe housing defi cit which government policy has been struggling to address.

Volume Editors
Jasmine Benyamin, Kyle Reynolds, Mo Zell, Nikole Bouchard & Whitney Moon
