Play with the Rules

The Invented Toy_Gaming Architectural Play

Fall Conference Proceedings

Author(s): Steven Quevedo

The themes of “PLAY” instigated into the design studio, a desire for creative making. The first step broke down preconcepti ons of known design processes to establish an environment of creative play. This first phase sought to initiate the students’ innate desire to create and make things as one did as a child where no overriding rules or adult supervision prevailed. They were asked to remember how they innocently played, created games and toys of their own making. Each student was asked to bring their favorite toy to class, the ones which still held significant memories of their childhood. These toys were oft en beat up yet beloved artifacts, saved as personal treasures. In discussing the toys, students related how they created play, the process of designing narratives or games around the toy.

Volume Editors
Jasmine Benyamin, Kyle Reynolds, Mo Zell, Nikole Bouchard & Whitney Moon
