2020 AIA/ACSA Intersections Research Conference: CARBON

Single-Use Plasters: Process and Waste in Gypsum Wallboard Systems

Fall Conference Proceedings

Author(s): Alyssa Kuhns

2017 marked the 100th Anniversary of Sheetrock.1 Sheetrock, a proprietary eponym for gypsum wallboard, is the dominant material used in the construction and finishing of interior partitions. It, along with other stock materials used in interior finishing, is a readily available commodity and is specified in nearly all new construction. Despite its proliferation, both the product manufacturing and installation methods of Sheetrock have remained essentially unchanged in its hundred-years of existence. As a result of the unchallenged product manufacturing and installation methods, contemporary construction issues related to labor, waste, and environmental health are not addressed throughout the gypsum wallboard material system. Considering these issues, this paper outlines the environmental and carbon impacts of the entire material system of this lasting, ubiquitous material. The purpose of this work is to inform future innovation and development of the products and processes included in common interior finishing practices. This research summarizes an understand- ing of the current context of the gypsum wallboard material system gained through on-site observation and discussions with industry contacts. Successes and shortcomings dis- covered within the material system serve as design criteria for the reconsideration of contemporary interior finishing practices, e.g. the installation of gypsum wallboard and the application of joint compound, as a single modular system. Physical testing and prototyping of the modular system considers industry impact including sustainable construction practices, the reduction of debris and material waste, and shortages in skilled labor as well as aesthetic and functional qualities of the interior.


Volume Editors
Corey T. Griffin & Erica Cochran Hameen
