Less Talk More Action: Conscious Shifts in Architectural Education

MORE REAL: Collecting Studio Culture Confessions and Successes

Fall Conference Proceedings

Author(s): Erika Lindsay & Emily Kutil

MORE REAL explores the questi on of “studio culture” in architecture schools. The authors conducted a survey of architecture faculty during the Fall 2019 ACSA Conference, Less Talk | More Action, which asked respondents, “What is your experience of studio culture?” The following paper discusses the design of the survey and conference engagement, analyzes the quantitative (demographic data and data about the respondent’s position within the school) and qualitative (response to the “studio culture” question) information gathered in the survey, and discusses the MORE REAL session hosted at the ACSA conference. The authors identify a range of consistent themes that emerged in the survey responses and discuss the implications of those themes. Finally, the authors outline strategies for refining and expanding the survey design, as well as strategies for reaching a more representative set of survey participants in future iterations of MORE REAL.


Volume Editors
Amy Larimer, Deborah Berke, Diana Lin, Drew Krafcik, John Barton & Sunil Bald
