Defining the Urban Condition: Accelerating Change in the Geography of Power

Housing the Fort Garry: Urban Housing for the Fort Garry Site

International Proceedings

Author(s): Grant Kelly & L. Scott Lambert

This project developed out of the intention to explore new ways of combining private and public spaces in an urban environment. It was felt that, in order for housing to truly become part of the city, it must engage itself with other functions on the ground plane. Thus, in developing this scheme of a mixture of residential, commercial, and recreational uses, it was decided to break from the typical urban pattern of public spaces on the lower levels and private spaces above. Instead, half of the ground plane was devoted to residential spaces grouped around semiprivate courtyards. The other half was assigned to large functions – a recreation center and a grocery store – which would be used not only by the residents of the development, but also by members of the public who spend time downtown.

Volume Editors
John K. Edwards