Play with the Rules

Generative Misbehavior at Play

Fall Conference Proceedings

Author(s): Naomi Frangos

As a generative mode of architectural production, this paper considers misbehavior to be an active agent that subverts the normative conditions of material, process, and end use. An instigator of the creative process, generative misbehavior shifts the rules of design and function of architecture to disrupt a fixed, static or controlled approach that obeys strict rule-sets. The work discussed in this paper exposes three oppositional provocations of play, or acts of making, lodged in material intuition, fabrication technique, and heuristic discovery in loosely programmed yet occupiable spatial works of architectural design. Investigated through a case study using fabric formwork as a construction method, play is incited through experiential experimentation typically overshadowed by pre-confi gured, pre-programmed, or preconceived labels, methods and artifacts of what we already know, deem acceptable or familiar. Through acts of search, release and play the resulting cast forms come together as a playscape installation.

Volume Editors
Jasmine Benyamin, Kyle Reynolds, Mo Zell, Nikole Bouchard & Whitney Moon
