107th ACSA Annual Meeting Proceedings, Black Box

Erasures, Transgressions, and Demarcations:Site Tactics for the Post-Internet City

Annual Meeting Proceedings

Author(s): Zachary Tate Porter

The contemporary city is an increasingly homogenous environment shaped by the combined forces of investment, gentrification, and displacement. While many speculated that the integration of digitally-networked technologies would make the city more equitable and transparent, such a promise has not been delivered. In this context, architecture must reevaluate its role in the future development of urban space. This paper frames these dynamics through a discussion of urban site tactics, examining the formal articulation of architecture’s relationship to the city. Drawing upon examples from architecture, technology, and art, three specific tactics are introduced and evaluated: erasure, transgression,and demarcation. Ultimately, the paper argues for strategies of demarcation, which emphasize–rather than obscure–the fundamental difference between public and private space.


Volume Editors
Amy Kulper, Grace La & Jeremy Ficca
