92nd ACSA Annual Meeting Proceedings, Archipelagos: Outposts of the Americas

Envisioning the Future in the South, End Neighborhood

Annual Meeting Proceedings

Author(s): Laura Lawson, Lynne Dearborn & Stacey Harwood

“Envisioning the Future in the South End Neighborhood” represents a studio-based urban design and planning process to support the ongoing community development efforts of the South End New Development Organization (SENDO). This project embodies thirteen years of outreach and support through the University of Illinois’ East St. Louis Action Research Project (ESLARP). This project provides design and planning assistance to the neighborhood-based organizations in East St. Louis, Illinois. This city has dramatic needs for technical assistance and no existing city-level agency to provide requisite design, planning, or community development support for non-profits. This submission represents the work of the spring 2002 and 2003 Interdisciplinary Neighborhood Planning and Design Studio, a service-learning course with students and faculty from the School of Architecture and the Departments of Landscape Architecture and Urban and Regional Planning. The goals of this course are two-fold: to facilitate a participatory planning and urban design process in the South End neighborhood and, through this process, to teach students about community-based planning and design. Specific project deliverables included: comprehensive physical conditions assessment, design and planning guidelines, site specific design proposals to achieve neighborhood goals, and an implementation strategy.

Volume Editors
Marilys R. Nepomechie & Robert Gonzalez
