Less Talk More Action: Conscious Shifts in Architectural Education

Digital aMUSEments: Playing with Case Studies

Fall Conference Proceedings

Author(s): Michelle Pannone & Margaret McManus

What happens when you require students to engage one architect for the duration of a semester? This case study brings to light a digital media course that asked students to do just that. As architectural educators, we often see students use the “precedent building study” as a one-off idea that is meant to inspire via direct influences such as form, materiality, details, etc. Yet, arguably, in all cases, there is a chronicle of numerous other ingredients that make up the final recipes of an architect’s work. Encouraging the investigation of such ingredients, this fifteen-week-long case study cultivated a more accurate example of how buildings as ‘precedent studies’ are linked to a greater sequence in an architect’s development. And largely, it gave early design students time to discover such components.


Volume Editors
Amy Larimer, Deborah Berke, Diana Lin, Drew Krafcik, John Barton & Sunil Bald
