106th ACSA Annual Meeting Proceedings, The Ethical Imperative

De-Anthropocentrizing Architecture: Rewriting Filarete's Golden Book

Annual Meeting Proceedings

Author(s): Jesse Rafeiro

Anthropocentrism is a biased construct which takes for granted a privileged and central status of the human species in the universe of things. This ideology in the West was born from ideas in Ancient Greece and later adopted into Christian theology to maintain that the world was made by a divine order for humanity. Anthropocentrism, though masked by emerging ecologically sensitive discourses continues to prevail in human practices today. The tragic consequence of this mentality has led scientists to propose a new geological epic: the Anthropocene. This epic, instigated by human centric activity challenges the survival of life on earth with issues such as harsher climatic conditions, mass pollution as well as severe biodiversity reduction globally. Awareness of the effects of our actions across time and space poses profound ethical revisions for how our species will conceive of itself in the future.

Volume Editors
Amir Ameri & Rebecca O'Neal Dagg
