107th ACSA Annual Meeting Proceedings, Black Box

Architectural Competitions. Architecture as Essay

Annual Meeting Proceedings

Author(s): Luis Pancorbo & Ines Martin Robles

When we considered writing this paper, we deliberately opted for a reflexive mode of reasoning. Reflection has two clear meanings for us; on the one hand, reflection refers to a type of thinking that excludes the definite search for a purpose and a rigid prior method. On the other hand, it is a strategic activity. The ductility of its structure allows changing objectives, tactics and techniques used according to the answers and difficulties encountered through process itself. The flexibility of structure, of course, implies its existence. The usefulness of this method, its great ability to open previous data fields and suggest different ways and interpretations, is enhanced if it manages to fuse all this as facets of the same polyhedron.


Volume Editors
Amy Kulper, Grace La & Jeremy Ficca
