June 14, 2023

AASL June Column

AASL Column

So Many Podcasts, So Little Time…

Column by Martha Walker, Architecture Librarian and Coordinator of Collections
Mui Ho Fine Arts Library, Cornell University

Barbara Opar, column editor

In Spring 2023, I decided to learn more about podcasts and their influence on, and value to, the students and patrons with whom academic librarians most frequently work. Considering my long-term connection to the Association of Architecture School Librarians (AASL) I, quite naturally, decided to focus on podcasts related to architecture. I soon learned that this would not be a “quick study”. In fact, after 2-months of bouncing from one series to another, while discovering valuable related materials in a visual format, i.e., podcasts that are filmed during production and made available on YouTube, I decided I would submit a brief that scratches the surface of this topic, while seeking input and suggestions from my AASL and ACSA colleagues.

What follows is summary information on five Podcast series that should be of interest to anyone interested in the field of architecture.
About Buildings+Cities: Hosted by Luke Jones and George Gingell. Edited by Matthew Lloyd Roberts. 100+ episodes covering the history of cities, buildings, and the contributions of specific architects, from the “distant past” to the present day.

Archispeak: Two Architects Telling Tales from the Trenches: Begun in 2012, with ca. 300 episodes to date, hosts Evan Troxel and Cormac Phalen share their thinking on a range of topics, from job-hunting and mentoring to the Architect Registration Exam and work-life balance. In short, straight talk about studies and working conditions in the field of architecture.

ArchitectureTalk: Hosted Vikram Prakash, discussions with invited guests explore a range of topics of interest to all, from history and theory to specific challenges of contemporary cities, such as military urbanism and climate change. 140+ episodes to date.
Scratching the Surface: Hosted by Jarret Fuller. According to the Apple Podcast Preview description, “Scratching the Surface is a podcast about design, theory, and creative practice. . . each episode features wide-ranging conversations with designers, architects, writers, academics, artists, and theorists about how design shapes culture. . .” Begun in 2016, there are 234 episodes to date.
US Modernist Radio: With more than 300 episodes, host George Smart and the US Modernist Radio Crew “. . . talks and laughs with fascinating people who own, create, love, and hate Modernist architecture, the most controversial houses and buildings in the world.” This from the show’s homepage, linked above, which includes the apt warning: “Highly Addictive” and I might add, Fun.

Again, I welcome both series and individual podcast recommendations from all who have read this column. You may reach me at maw6@cornell.edu. I plan on sharing those recommendations I receive, in response to this post, in a future column. Thank you and I look forward to hearing from you.