Proceedings Archive

Proceedings Archive

Proceeding Chapters

Aldo Rossi in the United States: A Meditation on Artifacts Over Time

Aldo Rossi: An Artist Challenges Typology

Aldo Rossi: Architect and Artist

City of Indus-(Trial)-Housing

On the Surface

Quarry Village for the 21st Century

Act V: The Commedia dell Arte in Venice

Constructing a Common-Place for the Generic City

The Pocket Neighborhood: Small-Scale Intervention in the Jewish Ghetto of Rome

Barcelona: A Case of Urban Palingenesis

Re-Memebering the Adige: An Architecture of Memory and Incusion

For an Alternative and Surrealist Use of History

A Village for the New Nomads

A City Within the City: Proposed Mater Plan, Lowry Air Force Base

Wall Housing : Three Prototypes for the Post-Industrial City

Pavimenti Romani: Strategies for the Periphery of an Old City

Depicting the New City: The Iconography of a Town Centre

The Urban Form of Leisure: Amenity as Infrastructure

Urban Design in Poor Peripheral Neighborhoods

Growing Rhizomes and Collapsing Walls: Postmodern Paradigms for Design Education

Mapping the Fluid

Isn't the New City Everywhere: Explorations for a Methodology of the Contemporary Urban Experience

Four Walls: Transformation and Assemblage

Revealing the Ground : The Use of a Techique Trinity to Intepret Urban Landscapes

Strategies form the Architectural Subconscious

The Studio Turned Inside-Out

Serendipity in the City: Service-Learning and Architectural Studies: The Gateway Service Learning Project

Service the Community Through "Service Learning" Approach: A Case of Integration

The Narrative of the Street in Ancient Greece

The Ideal City: The 1262 Constitution of the Sienese Commune

Letura di un Palinsesto: La Rete Viaria de Senlis

The Architecture of Argostoli: A Venetian Colonial New Town

Unitary Urbanism: Play Tactics of the Internationale Situationniste (1957-1972)

Re: New (ed) Urbanism: A 20th Century Tradition of "Building Community" in America

Luxury and Fate: Social Housing in Mies Van Der Rohe's Lafayette Towers

Le Courbusier: From Paris to Chandigarh, Variations on the Same Theme (1922-1956)

Rome According to Henry James: The Lure of the City and the American Imagination

Henri Labrouste and Civic Ornament: The Urbanity of the Bibliotheque Ste. Genevieve

The City Rises and the Futurist City

Point and Line into Landscape: Herbert Bayer and the Dilemma of Architectural Historiography

Berlin 1931: Entertainment and Identity in "The City of Work"

Angiolo Mazzoni: Geometry, Materiality, and Motion in the Fasciat City

A Cultural Narrative of Macau

The "Tenths" Experiment: Spatial Assimilation of Indigenous Populations in the Towns of :Wakefield" Colonies

Pilot Plan Proposal for Medallin by Wiener and Sert: CIAM's Theory of Urban Planning -Its Transfer and Practice

Social Aspects in Architecture and Urban Planning from the Beginning of Modern Movement Until the End of the Century : A Case Study in Brazil

Two Latinoamerican Cases: Legoretta in Monterrey and Miguel Angel Roce in Cordóba

(Un) Documented Urban Calligraphy -(In)Visibility of the Callejon in the Hispanic Caribbean

In-between Space: A Cinematic Counter-Argument to a Supposed Annihilation

Macro-Anxieties in a Micro-Community

Figural Color in the Seattle Cityscape

Aquae Urbis Romae: The Waters of the City of Rome

The Absurd Self and the Naked City: An Existential Redefinition of Sustainable Urbanism and the Case of Baranas

Places of Memory: Walking Tours of Manhattan

Between Objectivity and Illusion: Architectural Photography in the Colonial Frame

Drifting Through Detroit: Conceptualizing the Shrinking American City

Exposing the Private City

Anonymous Architecture: The Modern Movement's First (and Last) Attempts at Traditional Urbanism in the Caribbean

Company Towns: A Neocolonial Perspective

The Periphery and America's Dominant Culture

New Design Models for the Public Space of Chinese Citites

Panurbanism: Tyson's Corner , A Case Study

The Post-Industrial City as Adriadne's Veil

Strategy of "Bigness": Maki and "Group Form"

The Use of Grammar Methodology in the Development of a Computerized Form Generator for Space Frame Structures

Constructed Identities

Theory of the Metropolis

Water and Power: Mulholland, Agrippa, and the Foundation Myth of the New City

The Brion Cemetery and the Narrative of Redemption

Which way is New Orleans?

D'Annunzio, Freud and La Citta Morta

Models of the Mind: Architecture and Theory of the 1960s

Parallel Utopias: Pathological and Constituitive

Urban Artifacts and the Collective Memory: The Postcard as a Memory Palace

Apparent Culture/Invisible Nation: An Investigation in African and African-American Aesthetics

From Milan to Auckland: The Strange Flight of the Pirelli Skyscraper

Embodied Time in the Urban Artifacts of Rome

Demolition, Archaelogy , and Building: Mussolini and the Rhetoric of Destruction

The Stae of the City

Alternative Citites: Drifting Toward the Labyrinth

CIAM Meetings 1947-59 and the :Core" of the City: The Transformations of an Idea

Resolving the Paradox: Cultural Encounters in a Cairene Urban Space

The Grammar of Urban Transformation: A Tale of Two Cities

Living Like the Jetsons: The Impact of Information Technology on the American Landscape

Architecture Virali Nella Metropoli Montemporanea

The Immobile Mobile Home: Transforming the Character of the Built Environment

Urban Design in the New City

Superorganismi e fragilita nel progetto urbano contemporaneo

Meaningful Urban Design: Telological/Catalytic/Releveant

Hürriyet Square: The Story of Newness, Consumption and Transformation of an Urban Space

Diversifying Suburbia: Bungalow Courts as Spaces of Social Transition

University Sustainable Village: A Comprehensive Proposal for a New Compact Residential Community

Three Process Modes of Urban Growth Design

Roma Interrotta and the Monte Celio: A New Proposal Based on Past Lessons

Shifting Sands opn the Twentieth -Century Main Street: Urban Visions of Race, Ethnicity and Class for lincoln Road , Miami Beach Florida

Sarajevo: Ecological Reconstruction after "Urbicide"

Can Fictional Characters and Mythical Sites Save Downtown America? Monterey's Transformation from a Derelict Industrial Landscape into a Prime Tourist Attraction