Proceedings Archive
Proceeding Chapters
Delirious New York: The Revolutionary Revision of Modern Architecture
From Mondrian's Diamonds to Hejduk's Diamonds
Flow-tektoniks: Remixing Architecture to a Hip Hop Beat
Frame of Reference/ Frame of Referents
Thinking Outside the (Music) Box: Collaborations between Composers and Architects
Community Homes: Race Politics and Architecture in Postwar Los Angeles
Designing Community Interfaces in North Philadelphia: An Evolving Revitalization Strategy
Economy = Ecology: A Scenario for Chicago's Lake Calumet
The Dilemma of Japan's Street and Square
The Market as Generator of the Urban Form: Self-Help Policy for the Civic Realm
Adaptive Reuse: Preservation's Next Argument
A Vehicle for Conserving and Interpreting our Recent Industrial Heritage
Critical Regionalism and the Rebirth of the Small Town
Finding Evidence for Design Process: Web-Based Timesheets for Architecture Students
Professing Comprehensive Design Studio
University Structures and Studio: Reintegration of Art and Science
Cheerful Chats: Alvin Boyarsky and the Art of Teaching of Critical Architecture
The Education of an Architect: 3 Points of View-Rowe, Hejduk, and Ferrari
Practical Discourse: Studio, Learning, and the Ethical Construction of Practice
Seeing = (Re)presenting : Site Out of Mind
Performative Surfaces and Skins
Temporary Art <> Collapsible Architecture
The Heavenly Floor: From Form and Function to the Felt-experience of Sentience
Urban Residence: Modernism Redux
6 of 20 Propositions for Suburban Living
10 83EFEOFO or the Seagram Building
Building Art, Building Science: The Technical Evolution of Louis I. Khan's Yale Art Library
The Twins Before the Twin Towers: the Hudson Terminals and their Bifurcated Form
Noise, Mapping, and Architecture of Statistics
Engineers and Artists: Influences on Colonial Brazilian Architecture
Flooded at the Farnsworth House
The Historic Construction Record (HCR) Project
Embodied Experience: Gigon /Guyer's Addition to the Museum of Art in Winterthur
Landscapes of Laughter and Forgetting
Over the Mass Oike: Private Life = Public Space
On Ornamentation: A Digital Perspective
Ghosts Between the Frames: the Generation of Anima in Film and Ornament
Smart Skins and Restless Lights: A New Theory of Nervous Activity
Augurscope-Augmented Reality Architectural Visualization
Places that Count: Latent Public Spaces of the American Demographics Machine
Without End: Matts, Holes and the promise of Landscape Urbanism
The "Bio-logic" of Architecture
EC(h)O: New Media Meets the Environment
Form-Optimizing in Biological Structures
The Biocomposite Design Group: An Interdisciplinary Experiment in Research and Development
Tourist Sirens or technological beacons? On the innovation function of large public buildings
The Art of Architecture as Mediating Vessel
Hybrid Tectonic Nature: Terra Viscous
Risky Business: New Economics, New Science and Architectural Practice
Tectonics and Space: Semperian Motives in the Work of Gigon/Guyer
Hearing Buildings: A Program for Aural Representation of Architectural Space
Wind and Water: Material Tectonics in Digital Fabrication
4DPV: Photovoltaic Shadiong Devices as Architectual Time Places
Making SmartWrap: From Parts to Pixels