Proceedings Archive

Proceedings Archive

Proceeding Chapters

The Image of the (Smart) City, Redux: Re-examining Kevin Lynch’s Models in a Big Data/VR World

From Bit to It: The Demand for Networked Building Codes

The Mediated Community: A Historical View

New Cloud Atlas

Marseille Beyond the Headlines

The Derailment of Detroit: Public Transitas a Threat to the Brand of Capitalism

Lafayette Park: In-Between Urbanism

Re-Branding the Post-industrial City: James Stirling’s Adaptive Reuse at the Tate Liverpool

Responsive System: A Prototype for Building Performance

Carbon Footprint Analysis

Performance Driven Structural Design: Biomimicry in Structure

The Structure of Thick Space

Diversion Dynamics: A Process-Based Approach to Deconstruction Analysis

Thermal Worlds: Redefining Spatial Thresholds With Temperature in the Geothermal Landscape

When Walls Became Membranes: Le Corbusier, Siegfried Ebeling, and the Concept of the Breathing-Wall Skin

Integration of Embedded Systems into Building Assemblies

The Human Eye: A Window to Health and Wellbeing

Move Detroit: An Active Class Space Intervention

Race + Campus Travel Behavior

The Buffalo Connection: Re-Parameterizing Geographical Space as a Determinant of Health

Enhancing Health and Performance of Students in a Learning Environment through a Digital Pre-Occupancy Toolset

Episodic Urbanism: Pedagogical Studies and the Lesson of Rome

From Nolli’s Map to Tirana Hidden: Historical Fiction as Contemporary Urban Design Approach

You Can Touch This: Temporality Through Multisensory Architectural Representation

The Heated Position: Some Methods in Question

New Territories for Old Architecture: Nomadic History as a Design Strategy in the Redevelopment Urban Project for the Kadhimiya Historical Site, Baghdad, Iraq

Conditioning History: Heritage Construction as Design Strategy And Catalyst

Safety Not Guaranteed: The Future of Defensive Architecture

Geologic Time is No Longer Slow Time: Rapid Climate Change and the Architectural Site

Analyzing Architectural Types and Themes as a Design Method

Breeze Block: Don’t Call It A Comeback

Mexican Civil Society Organizations: How the Pursuit of Formal Housing Undermines the Vision of a Just and Equitable City

Remaking the City: The Occupy Movement and Its Urban Resonances

A Methodological Assessment Of Stadia’s Urban Performance: The Case Of The Stade de France

The Stadium: Iconic Urban Masterpiece or Expensive Destructor of City Centre Social Cohesion?

When Nature Strikes: A Study of Beetle Kill in America and its Potential Use for Mass Timber Construction

Slip Mounted Single Point Deformed Structural Skins

Salvaged Materials and Ecology in Architecture and the Visual Arts

Architecture’s Optimism from the Critical Through the Cruel to the Strange

Addressing Climate Change Through Water Landscapes In India

The Glass Library: A Retro-Prospective

Reconsidering Modernism: The (in)Excess(able) Architecture of Alterstudio’s Six Houses

The Role of the Banks in Shaping the Image of the Neo-Liberal City: Beirut as a Case Study

Degrees of Failure: Operation Breakthrough Housing Systems in Kalamazoo

Flowerpots: Objects of Misuse

Don’t Push Me: A Hip-Hop Urbanist Manifesto

A Bustle in the Hedgerow: Alfred Caldwell and Prairie Living in the Urban Context

Animal: An Agent-Based Model of Circulation logic for Dynamo

NETWORK Structures and Emerging URBAN FORMS

Enabled Users and Crowdsourced Culture

Detroit Colony

Collaboration: Propelling An Expanded Practice

Love’s Alterations: Complexity and Parsimony in Construction Documentation

Seeing Double: Stories from the Theater of Practice

Stabilizing Practice: A Culture of Business at Daniel, Mann, Johnson, and Mendenhall (1960-1984)

Sandpit Urbanism

A Margin of Indeterminacy: Reevaluating the Potential of Residual Landscapes in Future Urban Development Strategies

An Urban Mining Ecology: Butte, America

Scrap Masters!

Emerging from the Machinic City

Lagscapes: The Fleeting Opportunism of the Transitional Urban Landscape

Ruderal Aesthetics

Moving Service Learning Beyond the Studio to History-Theory Courses

At the Vital Center: The Small Town Studio at Ferris State University

Generating Discipline-Based Community Impact through Academic and Student Affairs Collaboration

From Settlement House to 20K House: Service and Labor in American Design/Build Education

Redefining Humanitarian Architecture with Complexity in Mind: Moving Toward a New Practice

Design-Build: Service Beyond Community

When I Hear the Word Service I Look for a Crisis

Integrating an Ethos of Service into the Beginning Design Studio

128th Street Harlem: An Open Approach to Social inclusion

The Designed “Public Spaces”in Solidere’s Beirut City Center

The Improvised Versus the Planned:In Search of Public Space in Parisian Suburbs

The Politicization of a Private Infrastructure:Hong Kong’s Pedestrian Bridge Network

A Brief Pre-History of Houses Who Tweet

Stranger than Fiction: Artificial Intelligence,Media, and the Domestic Realm

Robots, Cyborgs, and Architecture

PULSA: The Affective Art of Novel Intelligent Environments

Reading the Logistical Surface