Author(s): Olaniyi Adekeye
Expanding deserts and climate change are twin spirals pushing the globe over the ecological knife edge, the former since the Ice Age. Most deserts have resulted from overgrazed pasturelands, which came from destruction of rainforests, the former repositories of freshwater, while climate change came from fossil fuel combustion since the Industrial Revolution. The Great Green Wall project, an African Union-led initiative to reverse desertification in Sahel-Sahara from 2007 onwards, can integrate new livable cities, with dwellers strengthening fragile ecosystems, increasing sustainability and resilience, and combatting climate change close at hand in the Sahel. Providing infrastructure – clean energy, sanitation and reticulating borehole water for agricultural and human consumption – are achievable with financiers’ support such as Investor Network on Climate Risk, for the Community of Sahel-Saharan States (CEN-SAD), one of Africa’s eight regional development blocs that almost overlaps three more. All these should follow scalable project models for measurement, assessment, and records in continuous research. New Sahelian cities incorporating new industrial opportunities for ranching, milking and meat processing will most likely stem security crises from nomadic herdsmen free-ranging livestock, contesting farmlands in the Gulf of Guinea. This one solution proactively engages architecture on issues of agriculture and settlements, security, terror and livelihood under the UIA2020 Congress theme – all the worlds: just one world. Architecture 21 The Arab Maghreb Union is worth studying on their life expectancy, climatic adaptation for social harmony, and adopting from Israel’s environmental management. Rio2020 promises a greater leap since Rio1992, proffering solutions to global challenges.
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