Cross Americas: Probing Disglobal Networks

Global, Disglobal, Local

International Proceedings

Author(s): Vera Parlac

During the “Cross-Americas: Probing Disglobal Networks” conference, through the paper presentations and panel discussions, we sought insights into the disciplinary, professional and pedagogical territory exposed by the apparent disjunctions between global and local. It was intriguing to note that in almost every conversation the word disglobal was omitted and interchanged for the local. This interchange was spontaneous, reflecting our tendency to slip into the familiar framework of binaries but also our attempt to define the complex space in which the local and global overlap. So, in this short essay, the notions of global and local are examined more closely in order to define the disglobal. Related concepts of homogenization, specificity and the new design opportunities produced through their overlap are considered too.

Volume Editors
Alfredo Andia, Dana Cupkova, Macarena Cortes, Umberto Bonomo & Vera Parlac
