Author(s): Hamdy El-Setouhy
Identity is an intangible, while culture is its expression through their products. Some of these valuable products will be a timeless, and then be a Heritage. So heritage and especially architectural heritage is the product of culture, and it is a witness to the civilization that was at the time of its creation. Architectural heritage has gone through many stages, which has led many to endeavor to prepare studies on how to protect it. But, we are still dealing with what is currently a heritage. So what about our responsibility for the heritage of the future? Which will be a witness to our present civilization? Vision depends on how to move from a state of competition to integration, between the fields related to the field of heritage with its broader definition, which goes beyond dealing with it and as a set of effects. A group of working groups has been identified that are directly related to the production of a cultural product, and how it deserves to be a heritage in the future. Working groups interact in the form of matrix withfour basic classifications, namely, “Identity – Cultural Product – Heritage – Civilization”. And the working groups are those that specialize in the fields of (child – education – practice – culture), which can be in cooperation with each other, but we have become an urgent need to move from cooperation to integration. Author has a number of experiments in this file; he chose three to present his vision.
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