2021 International Conference: 27th World Congress of Architects

Future Heritage: UIA’s Responsibility

International Proceedings

Author(s): Hamdy El-Setouhy

“ALL THE WORLDS… JUST ONE WORLD” a successful choice to be a theme for UIA2020, because it reflects the state of the world and aims to develop visions to change this situation. This is what motivated me to put forward my vision about the future through this paper entitled “Future Heritage | UIA’s Responsibility”. Identity is an intangible, while culture is its expression through their products. Some of these valuable products will be a timeless, and then be a Heritage. So heritage and especially architectural heritage is the product of culture, and it is a witness to the civilization that was at the time of its creation. The architectural heritage of the world has gone through many stages and has been subjected to a variety of dangers, which has led many to endeavor to prepare studies on how to preserve, conserve and protect it, in a variety ways. But, we are still dealing with what is currently a heritage. So what about our responsibility for the heritage of the future? Which will be a witness to the civilization of our present? According to studies and applications presented by the researcher, we can define our responsibility as architects or institutions, especially UIA which must work to establish a methodology to work towards achieving the goal “ALL THE WORLDS, JUST ONE WORLD”. This responsibility defines the recommendations that the researcher concluded to move from a state of competition to integration, some are for UIA and others are for the Heritage WP.

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