107th ACSA Annual Meeting Proceedings, Black Box

From the Digital to the Discrete

Annual Meeting Proceedings

Author(s): Mollie Claypool

This paper, will acknowledge that the discipline of architecture, which was foregrounding and highly influential in its adoption of digital tools in the late 1980s and early 1990s, has to now rethink entirely what ‘becoming digital’ has meant for architecture in order for it to continue to be asocial and cultural pursuit, able to provoke and enable real change for those who we are meant to serve. What are the social, economic and political consequences of the digital for the production of architecture? And how can cultural changes – in the structure of our communities (familial or otherwise) and in the way that we relate to our virtual and physical environments – be responded to by architecture in a way which empowers and enables these communities to be active co-producers of their virtual and physical environments?


Volume Editors
Amy Kulper, Grace La & Jeremy Ficca
